“November”: a New York minute for 60×60

My new one minute piece, called “November” has been a given a place in the 60×60 surround sound presentation commissioned by Vox Novus and Harvestworks Digital Artworks Media Center in New York City.

60×60 is a one-hour-long show made by sequencing 60 pre-recorded pieces by 60 different composers, each piece a minute in length or shorter. This particular version will be a 5.1 surround sound mix to be premiered at Harvestworks multichannel TEAMLab listening room on May 16th at 7:00 pm EST.

“November” is a 4 channel piece created using my Audio SprayGun software written in SuperCollider. I will put a stereo reduction online soon.

Vox Novus


A new piece of mine for Flute and Electronics has been selected for workshopping (if that’s a word) at the INTER/Actions mini-festival and symposium to be held at Bangor University on the 15th /16th March. The flute will be played by Richard Craig and the workshop will be led by composer and sound artist Gilbert Nouno (IRCAM). The workshop will also feature pieces by James Joslin and Manuella Blackburn.


“Only Now” at Electroacoustic Wales 7/11/13

My most recent acousmatic piece, “Only Now” will have its premiere as part of the Electroacoustic Wales Concert in Powis Hall, Bangor University on Thursday 7th November at 8:00. The piece features some of my large-scale “sound-groups” realised in Supercollider and will be played back over a 32 speaker surround system.

More information at www.pontio.co.uk

Risk of Shock 21/06/12

My first acousmatic piece, entitled “The Kitchen Sink” will be played in thrilling 8-channel surround at the Risk of Shock/ Pergyl o Sioc performance in Neuadd John Phillips Hall, Prifysgol Bangor University on 21st June.

There will also be music by Rob Mackay, Sioned Eleri Roberts, Ed Wright, Roy Woods, Pelydrau and more. The performance starts at 7:30 pm and entry is free.